November is NaBloPoMo Month.

This is the month to do so many things, every day for the month…and celebrate Thanksgiving too…how will I get it all done?

First, I will be participating in NaBloPoMo this month.  Yes, you will probably get very tired of me, and I’ll probably run out of things to say.   I can hear all of you right now…”YOU, run out of things to say?”, while rolling on the floor laughing!

Later today, I’ll be sharing a great list written by Allison at Taking Life For a Spin  of things you really shouldn’t say to people with a chronic health problems.  I’ll be looking forward to hearing what everyone else may want to add.

I’ve also just joined 

National Health Blogging Month by Wego Health gives writers prompts for each day, some days I’ll probably use their prompts, other days I’ll probably just be posting about what I think is important.  #NHBM allows for 2 free posting days.  Days when you just can’t post.  That’s a good thing for people who have a chronic condition.  As we all know, some days we just can’t.

On my other blog, Create To Heal, I’ll also be participating in Art Every Day Month over at Creative Every Day…this is a more laid back challenge.  It’s a challenge to simply Create More, if you happen to miss a day, don’t give up…this is incentive, not a contest.  This challenge also doesn’t require a post every day, you can post once a week, what you’ve been doing, just what ever feels right, and what ever you can do.  I like this, but I plan to post every day.  After all, I’ve been trying hard to create something every day, may as well let you see it day by day.

If you’d like to be involved in NaBloPoMo, just go to this link and follow the directions.  You can add your blog until November 5th, but you must have posted every day in the month of November to be eligible for the prizes.

But why November, I know that all of this is a take off from NaNoWriMo, where writers are challenged to write a novel in a month, and it started in November.  However, again I ask, why November?  I think it’s going to be a tough month to do something like this.  Every Day.  At the beginning of the holiday season.

Granted, we don’t do much for Thanksgiving, and I don’t think Christmas celebrations will be as busy this year.  My hearing problems are prohibiting me from going to many parties.

To wrap it up then, I think this should be done during a really boring month, like…um…August, September…something without a major holiday.

This is going to be a challenge.  As I said before, there are days when we just can’t…..however,

I’m going to try.

wish me luck, and please, let me know if there is something you want to know more about.

This post was written as part if NHBPM – 30 health post in 30 days:, and is also a part of NaBloPoMo

4 thoughts on “November is NaBloPoMo Month.

  1. Here’s another Maureen that is going to try again for a post everyday in November! I finished it last year….let’s see how we all do this year!
    mo (AKA:maureen)


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