Mindfulness Monday – walking


“Step outside for a while –
calm your mind.
It is better to hug a tree than
to bang your head against a wall continually.”

~ Rasheed Ogunlaru



“Take my hand.
We will walk.
We will only walk.
We will enjoy our walk without
thinking of arriving anywhere.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh



We’ve been having some nice days here, which means I’ve been able to get out of the house and walk a bit more.  The photo above shows something I saw on my walk.  It made me happy.

Come, walk with me.  Oh the wonders we shall see.  From the mountains to the sea.


*photo  by W. Holcombe.  All rights reserved.  Do not use without permission.

13 thoughts on “Mindfulness Monday – walking

    1. oh I want to do Tai Chi so much!!
      as soon as I finish PT I’m going to seek out a class.
      Then when we meet we can practice together. 😉
      I’m trying to figure out a way that I can come see you.
      I need some Lorraine time…in person.
      and we need to set up a time to practice talking on the phone again.
      It was soooo great to really TALK with you!!
      hope to do it again real soon. xoxo – w


      1. When ever you want to try the phone. I keep seeing this ad for Caption Phone which I suspect isn’t all legit, but the implication is that installation and phone might be free. Next time I see the ad, I’m try and remember to write down all the details.
        Try Chi Quong (spelling) if you can’t find/do tai chi — it is the postures first. Tai Chi is the Chi Quong postures in motion. Meditation in motion.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The caption phone I’m getting is free. I just had to have my Dr or audiologist sign a form saying I have hearing loss. She’s coming to set it up on Tuesday! Then if I can’t hear everything…and you know I won’t. ..I can see what I missed.
          Hoping this works.
          So, next week, I’ll be calling you! 😆


  1. Pingback: Wendy’s Mindfulness Monday: meditation in motion – Lorraine's frilly freudian slip

      1. No, the reblog showed up again. Sometimes when I access first from my phone, it screws up accessing from my laptop.
        Thank you for thinking I’m awesome. You are much more than just awesome, you are astronomical!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I love being outside! being in nature, even in the controlled nature of my backyard, makes me smile. Going for a walk amid trees is wonderful. The movement the fresh air and sunshine (or rain–rain is good, too) lift one’s mood.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I too find the outside soothing. I like to meditate outside when I can. (only in my backyard, I don’t like to meditate with other’s around, gives me the creeps. I wish it didn’t) But unlike you, I don’t really like the rain, unless it’s a nice cooling rain in the summer. I have danced in the rain, if it’s warm I and it’s a nice summer shower, I do enjoy that. I simply do not like the cold. and often rain brings migraines with it, so indoors it is for me on those days.
      I’m happy to see the quotes spoke to you.
      have a happy day


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