Mindfulness Monday – Giving

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“Kindness in words creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates love.”

~ Lao Tzu


“The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention.
When mindfulness embraces those we love,
they will bloom like flowers.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh



*artwork created and owned by W. Holcombe, please do not use without permission.

7 thoughts on “Mindfulness Monday – Giving

  1. wildchild47

    Stunning art work – really lifts me 🙂

    and of course, the words are wonderful too – although I struggle with the aspect of giving and being kind, and the keeping on with it, because it’s my nature, when faced with an onslaught of meanness, pettiness, greed, cruelty and jealousy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my dear, that’s the time that giving becomes the most important, not just for those you give to, but for yourself. As you are faced with so much nastiness in the world, it is natural to start to feel worn down by it, and instinctively feel you need to be nasty back, but meeting those who are less than kind with compassion is the only way we can lift ourselves from that cycle. Reaching out to those in need, helping others, while never expecting anything in return…these are the things that will calm your mind and fill your heart. Once you begin to feel love and compassion for these people, it will free your soul. I feel so sorry for people who are mean, they miss out on so much love in this world. Don’t become one of them, keep your heart open, give to others….it can change your life. ♡♡

      Thank you so much for the complement, I’m so glad you liked the drawing.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. wildchild47

        thank you so much Wendy, for your thoughtful comment 🙂

        I hope I didn’t imply that I retaliate with cruelty and meanness, although there have been times and moments in my life, when I have, but mostly, I just walk away from it, if not literally, then at least in my mind and spirit. The whole “an eye for an eye” aspect really does make the whole world blind – and solves nothing. I suppose, in some respects, it’s a bit of a double edged sword – because compassion, for as freeing and truthful and love- soul/spirit-heart compass oriented as it is, can become exhausting. Sometimes, I just feel it’s best to retreat for a bit – and let it all flow on to someone else – simply because I think part of truly embracing compassion, is a deeper self-knowledge and understanding, in forgiveness, starting with the self – and knowing, and that there are just some people, events and situations and circumstances where the only requirement is to be a silent witness. And within this, offering “silent prayers” (for however that may or may not be experienced personally) is truly all that is needed.
        And I have to add – you are truly a wonderful, inspired and inspiring person – a light – sun, moon and starlight Wendy 🌠

        Walk/travel safely in the world 💕



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