A Change.org Petition for Musicians U2 to Bring Awareness of Meniere’s Disease

My friend at Sunshine and Chaos wrote a post I should have. As you all know, I have Meniere’s Disease…or “More than Meniere’s Disease”. Please sign this petition to bring awareness to this disease. thank you.

sunshine and chaos

Image via http://www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/p/we-need-your-help-please/

As many of you know, I have an inner ear disorder that forced me to stop working and eventually have to go on disability because the specialists do not have the tools to help me.

I am, sadly, far from alone in living and dealing with a disability and doctors being unable to help me get better and go back to leading a productive life.

To say that funding and research for inner ear disorders are woefully lacking is an understatement. As those with vestibular disorders know, the public does not realize how many people of all ages are afflicted with inner ear disorders.

I also believe that it will take the involvement of A+++ famous people to help bring a much greater awareness and understanding about vestibular diseases. This, in turn, would bring about more funding and research. One has only to think about the effect…

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