Living in This Moment

drawing by w. holcombe
drawing by w. holcombe

A train of thought post.  One thought moving to the next…..

A chronic illnesses can shake your foundation, it can make you question everything…..

  • “Can I really live this life that has been handed to me?”
  • You question…..”Why, is this happening to me?”
  • You think….”I just want my life back….”
  • You create a story….”My life would be better if only….”

In the very harshest moments, the fear takes over.

What if this doesn’t get “better”?  What if it doesn’t end?  What if I’m always like this?

This has been going around my head for the past two weeks.  The symptoms are not getting better.  Are the side-effects from the medication making it even worse?   Dealing with vertigo, and dealing with the side-effects from steroids are, mind b-o-g-g-l-i-n-g.  My brain will not keep still, no matter how hard I try.  BREATHE   I keep telling myself.  JUST BREATHE   I’m jumpy, nervous, anxious, scared….and I’m so woozy, dizzy, sea-sick…..





ahhhh, just a little.

NO, NO…don’t move your head.  You would think after two weeks I would know I can’t move my head.   I guess that’s an over-statement.  I can move my head, just very, very slowly.  Still, I feel as if the room moves with me.  The unsteadiness is disconcerting, and is causing the bile to rise in my throat.   BREATHE.   It is just a MOMENT.

Stay in this moment.

Do not think about the next moment.

Stay here…right here.  In the NOW.


I was thinking.   I’ve been thinking a lot recently, probably way too much.   I have been through a lot of medical tests, procedures…..ect….in my life.  I’ve broken bones, had major surgeries, I have dealt with pain, a lot of pain.   When I have been undergoing a test or treatment and it is very painful my medical team will often ask if it is “tolerable”?   I have only said “no”, once.   And I soon went back to that test and finished it.   The thought that it will end, makes it tolerable to me.  It will only last a moment.  I’m in that moment.  I know this will end.  I can handle anything for a moment.

Why is it different now?   The pain is not “worse”.  The vertigo is not “worse”.

It is the MOMENT.

I cannot stay in the moment.  My mind has jumped to the story….”What if this doesn’t end?”  The moment is not just a moment.  But wait!  Every moment ENDS.  Each moment is different!

Look….the moment you just read that is different from this one.  It just is.   You couldn’t predict it.  It is different from this moment and will be different from the next.

If there is one thing I’ve learned over the past few years, nothing is permanent.

Everything changes.

Each moment is a moment.

It is not the past, or the next.  it is not better or worse…it just IS.

it is the moment.  and I can handle any moment.  After all, it’s just a moment.

It is the moment I have.

I will live in this MOMENT.




5 thoughts on “Living in This Moment

  1. I hope that someday soon, you will be in more moments, with the same strength you have for this moment. Breathe, warrior princess, and know that I’m sending all the good, healing thoughts I can your way.


  2. Pingback: Stress and 12 Ways To Cope With It. | Picnic with Ants

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