Hard to believe it’s Winter.

Sorry, Not an actual photo of us, but I'm sure you can feel of the sensation! Whee!

On January 6th, and 7th, we went driving around in my Little Yellow Bug with the top down!  That’s right, the convertible was being used with the TOP DOWN, in JANUARY!  Woot!  Last winter was full of snow, and rain, and ice…and well it was just miserable.  Much colder and much more snow than North Carolina normally has.  However, if there is one thing I’ve learned about living in the South East, weather is anything but normal.

This winter has been mild so far, just a few freezing days, I think I could count them on one hand.  I’m loving it, but it’s odd, even for N.C.  We will often have a warm patch in the winter, but this is like Spring.  The plants are so confused.  My herb garden has new growth, my neighbor’s Irises are coming up, yes, the people and plants alike love this weather, but I’m afraid the plants will suffer greatly when the freezing days arrive again.  It looks like it will be cloudy and/or raining for most of the week.  I bet it turns cold after that.

Pink Wildflower from my garden 2011
I took this photo from our wild flower garden, Fall 2011

I’ve been feeling better than I did before the surgery, some days I feel really good!  Like yesterday, it was a good day.  We had to do a little shopping, so we put the top down, and took the long way through the country to the store.  It was blissful.  We came home and I worked in my studio for an hour..maybe two.  Earlier in the day I threw some things in the Slow Cooker, so I even made dinner!

I’m still having a lot of GI issues.  I can’t figure this fructose thing out I guess.  I finally found a book I’ve been told will help me so very much!  The book is not available in the U.S. (at least not yet.)  It was published in Australia.  I started to give up and order it from Australia, but it would have cost me close to $70 with shipping and tax.  I just couldn’t do it.  Finally  I found the book at a used book store on-line, thanks AbeBooks.  For less than $45.  They only had one copy.  I snapped it up!  So I should get it in a couple of weeks.  I also found a nutritionist who is “well versed” in Fructose Malabsorption and the low FODMAPS diet.  Woo Hoo!  Finally!  I may start seeing her later this month, or early next month.  I want to see what the book says first.  This running to the bathroom 6-10 times a day is old!  I’m really tired of my GI system just refusing to work right.  **TMI time…I had a rush moment to the bathroom today, I’d already been 4 times, this one was very loose and black…yes, black.  Scared the crap out of me (pun intended) .  I thought OMG I’m bleeding internally.  Then I remembered I took Pepto Bismol last night, a bit more than I intended to.  Please, if you  take Pepto, remember it can turn your stools black, and your tongue a funny color too, but I’ve only had that happen once.  So don’t let it scare you….like it seems to always catch me off guard.

Today,  I have Slosh Head.  I feel stuffy, and woozy.  I’m nauseous most of the time lately.  If I’m eating, the nausea is relieved, but shortly after I eat it returns.  ick.  But today is worse.  The tinnitus is screaming, my hearing is down!  (I only heard 3 dings..barely..when I turned my hearing aid on, I normally hear 5…they are different frequencies, so I’m not hearing some of them)  The TV sounds tinny, Stuart sounds muffled.  I just don’t feel good at all today.  I feel like Mr. Meniere’s is battling with Allergy Man and Human Barometer is getting his licks in too!  All inside my head..and tummy!  Just ick.

**GREAT NEWS**  Now the reason I can even consider spending money ….Stuart has been offered a job!

Actually he’s negotiating with TWO companies.  One is telecommuting, one is ‘local’.  Stuart has asked the recruiter for the ‘local’ job, if they would consider allowing him to telecommute and come in perhaps one day a week.  (commuting to and from Raleigh. the next city over, is not fun!  Rush hour is horrible, he’d spend at least 3 hours a day in his car…plus the wear and tear on the car, the extra pollution, and parking…ect…it all ads up.)  They have until Tuesday to make a decision and an offer, he told the other company he would give them a decision on Wednesday.  They both sound like excellent companies, and Stuart enjoyed his interview with both.  So, either way, I think he’ll be happy.

He’s been out of work since Halloween.  I knew it would be hard to find a job over the holidays, and it was.  But he wasn’t idle.  He sent out resumes…lot’s of resumes, had interviews, sold things on eBay, cleaned out his office, is preparing to sell the other car….he’s been a busy man…plus taking care of me wasn’t easy right after my surgery.  I’m actually grateful he wasn’t working for a while there.  Now that the holidays are over, he is in demand!  I know it feels good.  You can tell he’s feeling good about things.

That’s all for now.  I feel like I could just talk and talk.  I think I need to write more than I have been lately, shorter posts more often?  That may be a good idea!


16 thoughts on “Hard to believe it’s Winter.

  1. I’ve had bad nausea days this week too. I’ve wondered if the weather plays a role before (I’m in GA so having similar weather).

    Anyway, regardless, I’m so relieved that you are having some good days post-surgery and that your husband has some job prospects!! YAY!!!


    1. Allison, Stuart should be employed tomorrow! He’s dealing with the two companies but has promised to make a decision tomorrow.

      I know the weather has some role in how I feel. The nicer the day, the better I feel. When we lived in Palm Springs, the Meniere’s rarely gave me a problem. I’m not saying moving back here is what caused things to accelerate so…but sometimes I wonder if I’d feel better in a drier climate.

      I sure hope this year finds you with much less vertigo!

      thinking of you often w


  2. Lovely post and CONGRATULATIONS TO STUART/STEWART!!!!! we have been through that a few times, what a relief. and yes, I’ve also been glad when he has been home when I was sick except for the money worries. Indeed treat yourselves well. How exciting to have two offers!!!!!!! See? You are too good people, and good karma does go around! ABE BOOKS is indeed a find, I have used him for many things, though you have to be careful. One book I ordered from him was out of print and he did find me a copy but it was so old and musty that I had an allergy attack just looking at it. Anyway, you know I am jealous of your yellow car but I’m glad if I can’t have it, you can!!! All the best, Laurie


    1. Laurie, Remember, don’t be too jealous of my car….I haven’t been able to drive it for about 6 months. I only had it about 2-3 months before my relapse. But it’s fun even with Stuart driving it. He even said the other day…this car is so much fun! Well…yeah….that’s why I love it so!

      The bread winner of the house being out of work is no fun, but I’m really proud of him…he worked hard at keeping us above water while he was unemployed. And I’m proud of us for having such a frugal holiday, and being happy with it! And I’m so very, very proud of him for pursuing the job hunt so vigorously! He has much more confidence in himself this time. Last time he was laid off, he was depressed, and things didn’t run as smoothly.

      (oh and I’m jealous your house is really yellow! mine is very pale…much paler than I thought it would be. and the houses in our neighborhood get green mold growing on the shady side of the houses. It shows up so much worse and faster on our house! But we got it cleaned, and it’s nice again….and it’s vinyl siding…so I’m stuck with this color for…ever probably.)


  3. Fizzy

    aw, so happy for you 😀 how nice to go out with the top down on the car, I was smiling as i read it! and contrats on the job front for Stuart too- that great news too , see everything seems to be coming together nicely for a great 2012 for you both!
    Also really glad to hear you have been having some really good days, it is so nice to have a break isnt it , keep it up xxxxx


    1. Fiona, thank you my dear. One day at a time is all we can do right? The past two days I haven’t felt well. I really need to get my sleep pattern steady!

      But yes, the new year has started off well! Let’s keep it going!! xo


  4. Happy days! So nice to hear you are getting a reprieve from all the nasty vertigo stuff, though wish it wouldn’t tease you like is it today. Down boy!! Congrats to Stuart, that’s just great news. We are having an exceptionally warm winter, too, even for San Diego. It was a gorgeous day here. After a small get-together at my boss’ house, we went out on the Cabrillo peninsula to do some whale watching (saw lots of spouts!). It was chilly on the coast, but still beautiful. Anyway, hope Mr. M behaves himself. Good luck, too, with the diet. Not an easy one to follow for sure. Hopefully the nutritionist will be a big help. A.


    1. Angelea,

      I am so jealous!!! When we lived in CA, we kept making plans to go whale watching and never made it. Something I still want to do! I feel like the weather is trying to make up for last year! : ) Last winter was way too icy and cold.

      You should have fresh oranges and lemons soon! That juicer might come in handy! : ) I hope so. Oh, I miss my lemon and orange tree. *sigh*

      xo w


  5. Crazy weather here, too. Supposed to get up near 50 again today. Have slept a few nights with the window half open! No snow. This is nuts!

    I have IBS or colitis issues, too. You’ll have to let us know if this book helps. So glad you are feeling better most days. (My tinnitus is louder the past several days, too.) I am still praying that you’ll finally be rid of the vertigo!!

    Awesome about the two jobs for your sweetie! May the best one be his. Have a great week. 🙂


    1. thank you Rita.

      I too am hoping for the best with the vertigo. I know the surgery should reduce it 70 -90% but I want it to be 100%! : )

      Today, the two companies are competing…I’m pretty sure he’s going to take the one in Alabama…they are just so good about the telecommuting. The one in Raleigh, is iffy about it. However, the HR person in Alabama talked to Stuart today, he’s supposed to make a decision by tomorrow. She wanted to know if he had any hesitations or anything, he was open and told her about the other company, and that they are offering more money (all true) so she is looking to kick the salary up. They really want him! My husband is just so lovable, who wouldn’t! haha He’s also pretty dang smart! (yes I’m biased) Tomorrow, he will give them his decision. So happy he’s going to be employed again! and I’m proud of how well we handled him being out of work over the holidays. (well anytime, but the holidays are tough)

      xo w


  6. AAK as Bill the Cat used to say — I’ve been meaning to leave a comment on this blog post for ages!
    I hope things went well for Stuart — I’m sure I probably know the outcome — if not, I’ll scroll ahead and see if I can find out again. One positive spin to put on bad short term memory is what a friend whose heart stopped beating, lost oxygen to the brain, and as a result has had to rebuild his life as if he had had a brain injury in an accident. His short term memory is better, but I remember during the earlier days, he would say that life was full of surprises — many of them pleasant because he couldn’t remember what had happened recently.


    1. What a great outlook your friend had…probably still has. Ever see the movie Momento? Every time I hear about short term memory loss I think of that movie…it’s freaky.

      I don’t think I wrote this blog post ages ago! So please, not another thought about it.

      Stuart will make his decision tomorrow. Must be grand to have 2 companies making you offers!

      xo w


  7. Hi,

    Happy to hear your days keep getting better. Great news for Stuart about the 2 companies. He’s probably made his choice by now. Tell him I said congrats.

    Good find on the book. Hopefully that, along with the nutritionist, will help.

    As for this wonderful winter you’re having…we just had 2 days of freezing rain and a bunch of snow. Mother Nature kept us green til late on Christmas Eve when it started to snow. It was pretty for Christmas Day but she must still be on holiday time as I asked for the snow to melt Boxing Day and it never did. Oh, well. Here’s to more beautiful days of you driving and enjoying your winter.


    1. Maureen, I haven’t driven yet…just a happy passenger. The weather turned Cold today. I’m staying inside. But no snow. However, we don’t usually have a lot. Last year was unusual, snowed most of the winter, but just small bits, nothing crazy. We had a wicked snow storm in 1999 or was perhaps 2000, 3 feet in less than 3 hours. N.C. is not prepared for something like that. People were snowed in for days. It was crazy. I thought that was normal for a city when it snowed, then I visited Buffalo…now they know how to deal with snow! it was amazing. Streets clear, and 4 feet or more of snow on the ground. Snow drifts way over my head.

      I hope you have an early thaw, and milder weather.

      I doubt we’ll be sporting around with the top off any time soon!



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