Williamsburg, VA, Food for Thought – Original Post from Glutenfree Greenie

this post originally appeared on GlutenFree Greenie on November 11, 2009   (placing on this blog to document in one place when my Meniere’s Disease went Bilateral)

First I’d like to apologize for not being around very much lately. I know I don’t usually get into my personal life on here, but I feel I should explain a little why I haven’t been around very much. As I’ve mentioned before I had hip surgery on October 13th, to repair another torn labrum.


On Halloween night at the end of a very nice party full of wonderful gluten free food from lots of glorious friends, I started having an acute Meniere’s attack. Meniere’s Disease affects the fluid balance in the ear. They don’t know what causes it or how to correct it. An acute attack causes fluctuating hearing loss, vertigo, extreme tinnitus, and various other symptoms. I went to the ENT on Monday and found out that one of the tubes I had put in in March had fallen out. So, on November 13th I had new T-tubes put in. I’m still having an acute attack, it’s not as bad. My hearing is still in flux, and the tinnitus is really bad, but at least the vertigo has pretty much leveled off.


We are vacationing in Williamsburg, VA this week thanks to some wonderful friends who invited stay with them. It’s been really nice to just relax after my surgeries.


We’re staying at a place that has a full kitchen so we’ve been eating in a lot, but last night we ventured out and ate at a place called Food For Thought. I found them on an internet search before we came to Williamsburg, I saw on someone’s blog that they have a gluten free menu, but they don’t have it on their website, so I emailed them. The owner was kind enough to email me back with a pdf version of the gluten free menu. The prices there are a little steeper than I’m used to, but the food and service was excellent!

There aren’t a ton of things on the gluten free menu, and I was in a comfort food kind of mood, so I had the selection on the menu where you can pick 3 sides and have a side salad or soup. I decided to up scale my salad to a mini-cobb salad and my 3 sides were mashed red skins, steamed broccoli and grilled asparagus (the asparagus was a special).

My husband had grilled medium rare tuna, some special rice, and french green beans. He cleaned every morsel off his plate.


My asparagus came with a sauce on it and I asked the waitress to make sure it was gluten free, and come to find out it wasn’t. But it wasn’t on the gluten free menu since it was a special, she was so sweet and very embarrassed that she didn’t think to check, I wasn’t worried and understood completely. She offered the asparagus with the sauce to my husband which he just gobbled up! And I received the most delicious grilled asparagus ever.


For desert I had a flourless chocolate tort with vanilla ice cream. Very smooth. My husband had something that looked like a huge sopapilla with ice cream and apples. He loved it.


Our final bill came to less than $50 before tip, so not so bad after all. Of course. We both drank water, that really makes a difference.


Would I go back there? You bet ya! But I do wish it had more gluten free options.

And I would really scrutinize the gluten free menu. I wasn’t positive about all of the options.

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