This, That, and The Other

In just 8 days since I started writing these journal posts I’ve made some observations. The antidepressant is working, and I’m very glad I took the chance and tried it. I’m in a much better place mentally. On the other hand, I do not see a great improvement from the Emgality, I hope I’m wrong, but as of right now my migraines aren’t better and I’m having an increase in vestibular migraines. Finally, I can see that I get a lot more done than I thought I did, and by paying attention to what I’m doing encourages me to do even more. I may not continue to write these journal entries publicly, (let’s face it, who really wants to read my day to day activites?) but I think I will continue to keep a private journal, I can really see how useful it can be.

More thoughts about my migraines I’ve noticed over the past month or so I wake up with relatively no pain, this has changed since starting Emgality, I used to wake up with a migraine almost every day; however, within a couple of hours a migraine will normally start. There were a few days last month that this didn’t happen, but for the most part, I could set my watch to it. This past week I’ve had 3 vestibular migraines, (a vestibular migraine causes dizziness and vertigo with or without pain) each one has been accompanied with severe pain and confusion. These are not new, but they do seem to be coming more often, and are more intense. Things to talk about with my doctor.

Cactus Flowering Tucson, AZ W. Holcombe

Yesterday I finally spent some time outside. I have 3 types of exercises from my new therapist, breathing, hip stability, and functional. While I was outside I laid down by the pool and focused on my breathing exercises. It was so nice, I finally felt things said I should feel! Exciting! I got all of my exercises done, not all at once, but I got them all done. So, I didn’t get a whole heck of a lot done yesterday, but I accomplished exactly what I wanted to, I went outside, and I did my exercises. The rest of the day I didn’t feel well and didn’t feel like doing much of anything, then right before I fell asleep I had a migraine hit that was excruciating. I thought a cluster was starting it was so intense, but it didn’t quite hit that magnitude. However, the pain was behind my eye and in my temple, my eye watered and right nostril ran, just like when I have a cluster. I had to move because the pain was so intense. So, I’m not positive it was not a cluster, but if it was, it wasn’t quite as painful as ones I’ve had in the past; not to say this was not severely painful. (for me a cluster is the greatest pain I can imagine, the pain I had last night would have sent me to the ER if it had lasted longer, but it was not the worst pain imaginable.)

Quick rundown of today. I ate breakfast outside. I took a bath and washed my hair. (this is a big task for me) I had a dentist appointment (check up, cleaning, fixed a small chip in a filling, and a fluoride treatment), went to Trader Joe’s, had dinner at the table with my husband, made “brownies” (hopefully I’ll sleep better tonight), and watched old Dr. Who’s for a bit. I did have a migraine that started shortly after breakfast but it didn’t get above a 6 all day so I was able to function. I used my functional exercises while making brownies and my back hurt less, but it did start to hurt more after I finished. I’m just thrilled I was able to get them all mixed up and in the pan without being in intense pain. Today was a FULL DAY! Tomorrow is an early day, so I’m going to bed.

21 thoughts on “This, That, and The Other

  1. The act of writing down daily activities, etc. can reveal patterns, and map accomplishments big and small. When I do my gratitudes for my therapist, I think back on the week, (if I can remember the week, lol) and am often pleasantly surprised at the sum total of what I did accomplish despite pain and panxiety.
    “I may not continue to write these journal entries publicly, (let’s face it, who really wants to read my day to day activities?) but I think I will continue to keep a private journal, I can really see how useful it can be.”
    If folks don’t want to read about your daily activities, they won’t. If you don’t mind sharing, these posts provide insights into how you are doing, what you’re feeling, etc. I feel like we are having a conversation, and you are answering the question, “What’s up?” Which way do you think you might be more apt to continue journaling? Which method do you think will be the most beneficial to you — blog posts or private notes? I’m asking both as a friend and someone who needs to keep better track of the what I’ve dones, rather than the what I haven’ts.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I do think the journal writing can be helpful, if I can stick to it! I’m notorious for starting things and not sticking to it. I have a ton of journals I’ve started and they only have a few pages written in. So, I have a couple of blogs I’ve started but haven’t…meaning, they exist but they are private, so I’m just going to set one of them up and start journaling in it. I was thinking since I’m kinda used to doing it this way, I might keep it up. Who knows with me though. LOL. (Hopefully, it will be something I continue to do, but if not, I’m not going to worry about it being something I didn’t. 2 weeks ago that would have bothered me, now, I think I need to be more compassionate toward me.) Then I’ll do an update here once a week or every two weeks, something like that.

      You are my dear friend and I’d love to be sitting here having a conversation with you, but having just me siting here rambling the whole time and not letting you say anything is rude. 😉


      1. Yes, a conversation over a cup of coffee in a funky cafe would be love-r-ly.
        Hope the journaling project is helpful and insightful.
        I am horrible at journaling — always have been. I just forget to do it. Like most things I intend to do daily.
        Such as write more emails . . . (a winking emoji)

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        1. hahaha, I haven’t journaled ONCE since I posted live! No accountability, I didn’t force myself. I thought about it, but I didn’t do it.
          To be fair, on Saturday I couldn’t have, the migraine was too bad. But I could have on Friday and Sunday…and who knows if I’ll do it today either.
          I’m slack. I could use the excuse that I don’t feel well, or I forget, but to be honest, I could do it. I just don’t. I’ll try harder.


  2. blindzanygirl

    Wendy, it must be absolutely horrific living with migraines like that. I only ever had one migraine attack, and it was so horrible. You have so much strength to deal with all of this. I do hope and pray that your new drug will in time help your migraines. Mi am glad the depression tablets are helping. I don’t like taking them either, and only had them for a short period of time when I was younger. Youbare very very brave Wendy. My prayers and good wishes to you xxxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I like reading these posts but it could seem mundane after a while, especially if you feel you have to regularly post something about everyday life. You could do them privately each or most days and do a public recap every week or two and looking back you can see how the little things each day are adding up. Whatever works for you.

      And let’s hear it for the daily victories and new drugs that are helping. 🎉🎉🎉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That is exactly my thoughts! I plan on keeping a journal privately and posting about me here every week or two…or whenever I feel the desire, using my journal posts as references to what has been happening.
        and yes! Every tiny victory baby!!!

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    2. Thank you for your kind words. I’m trying so hard not to think of it as bad or good, but yes it is horrible sometimes, and lately it has been bad. I accept it is just how it is and I will deal with it as it comes, but that doesn’t mean I always have to like it. does it?

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      1. blindzanygirl

        It certainly doesn’t Wendy. That is a good udea, to try not to think of it as good or bad. Maybe I could adopt that idea too. That has helped me Wndy. Though I do know it is hard to do. I really hope you get some reluef soon. Sending hugs x

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you Lorraine. When I read the book How To Be Sick, it talks about that, it changed a lot about how I look at things, or try to look at things.
          May we both find relief soon. gentle hugs xo

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          1. blindzanygirl

            Wendy I have just bought the book. In Kindle version. It is on my iPad now. Bthankyou SO much. Mi look forward very much to reading it. Bless you for leading me to it ❤️

            Liked by 1 person

  3. Rita McGregor

    Sounds like improvement. I think whichever way you want to journal is up to you. I do think journaling helps me. Isn’t it nice to have a full day!! Whoohoo! 🙂

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    1. I am being so rude in this conversation! I just talk and talk and I don’t let you talk at all! 😉
      I think I’ll keep on jourmaling privately and post a summary every week or two, something like that, maybe people won’t get too tired of me that way. If so, then I guess they are at the wrong blog. hahahaha We’ll talk soon.

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      1. mentally better is a wonderful place to start. i know what it is like to live with daily head pain so i will pray that will also start to go in the right direction! wishing you a day that brings you smiles 🙂

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