Mindfulness Monday: pain

“Healing is an art. It takes time. It takes practice. It takes love.”

Maza Dohta

Being present, being in the moment can be difficult when in physical pain. To transcend that barrier; to be aware of breath and heartbeat over the noise of pain synapses. When the levels of my physical pain increase, as they have of late, I struggle to own my pain, rather than it owning me.

Helping Wendy with Mindfulness Mondays is therapeutic; choosing a topic; searching out the quotes; formulating the post – all help me focus, to remember to breath.

I hope this week’s Mindfulness Monday quotes help you be mindful of the pain and of the moment.

“Some people think that to be strong is to never feel pain. In reality, the strongest people are the ones who feel it, understand it, accept it.”


“Mindfulness can play a big role in transforming our experience with pain and other difficulties; it allows us to recognize the authenticity of the distress and yet not be overwhelmed by it.”

Susan Salzburg

“Chronic pain or other challenges are invitations; gifts that challenge us to learn how to manage the mind.”

Cheryl Richardson

image: (c) Lorraine


2 thoughts on “Mindfulness Monday: pain

  1. Thank you for doing mindfulness Monday this week, and reminding me to simply be present with my pain.
    I’m in a lot of pain today. It’s hard not to catstrophize it.
    I’m so sleepy.
    Pain sucks


    1. Yes, pain sucks big time! Finding quotes (there are lots I didn’t use) about chronic pain was helpful. New mantras to change the neural pathways that link physical and emotional pain.
      You deserve to feel much better. Sending more gentle hugs and healing thoughts. You can pull through this. You are a Warrior Princess, heck, a Warrior Queen!

      Liked by 1 person

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