#HAWMC Day 14 – Last Week/This Week

Today is Day 14 of #HAWMC (WEGO’s Health Activist Writers Monthly Challenge).  The prompt today is:


Case of the Mondays.
Write about something that gets you down, burns you out, or makes you sad.
Purge it in a blog post. Turn it around at the end and tell Tuesday why you’re ready for it.

I don’t want to get all caught up in the self pitting part of Blue Monday.  I had a pretty rough week last week, this week I’m determined to turn it around.  Let me tell you about it.

Last week I had severe migraines almost every day.  This week I plan to take medication as soon as the headaches start.  I will not worry so much about running out of meds, or rebound headaches.  I will work to stop this cycle of severe headaches before it gets too strong of a grip.  (hopefully)

Last week I was very off balance and was having mini attacks of vertigo.  Last week I was not prepared for this.  I’m too used to having my husband here to help me.  This week I will be prepared to help myself as much as possible.

Last week I couldn’t walk without holding on tight to my walker.  This week I will bring my good walker in the house from out of the car, I have a seat on it and a better way to carry things.

Last week I had a hard time getting myself food because of my balance, this week I will be prepared and will have food ready that I can just grab and go.  Food that I can balance on my walker.

Last week my anxiety was very high.  This week I will get back to meditating and taking breaks for deep breathing exercises.

Last week I beat myself up because I felt so needy and dependent.  This week I will practice self compassion.

Last week I cried a lot.  This week I will focus on the positive.

If you’d like to read more posts from today please search for #HAWMC and check out WEGO’s Facebook page.  Don’t forget to Like Picnic With Ant’s Facebook Page too.  🙂

If you would like to share your story on Picnic with Ants, contact me through the contact form on my About Me – Contact Me Page.


5 thoughts on “#HAWMC Day 14 – Last Week/This Week

  1. Hi Wendy! I hope you have a better week. Mine is starting out a little rocky but I’m determined to not let it get the better of me!
    Have you seen an experienced tmd specialist about the possibility of jaw misalignment adding to your symptoms? Sorry if we’ve discussed before (I’m on a lot of groups about this so I could be repeating).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I hope your week gets better. My weekend was pretty good. Saw,my friends with little incident. Still feel like I’m moving all the time recently, but I’m dealing. ☺
      I have seen someone for possible tmj. After you mentioned it, I saw someone else. Everyone says no.
      Thanks for thinking of me!


      1. When they say ‘no’ is that based off a ctscan or tmj specific MRI? If not, find someone who can do that. I learned the hard way that without that there is no way to rule it out and do many are undereducated and say they know but they can’t possibly know for sure without those tests. Trust me!! Please

        I’m so much worse now because no one diagnosed me properly for so many years.
        But at least now I have some path, as hard as it still is and some days feel steps backwards, I know I have a positive path to pursue.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. No, I’ve never had that, and haven’t seen a dr who felt I had enough symptoms to warrant one. Meaning, insurance won’t pay for it.
          What type of dr did you see for this?
          I’ve asked every dr I’ve seen.
          We may be moving soon, so may be starting over with new drs. Might be easier to pursue then.


          1. Not an easy answer unfortunately:( finding a dentist who has taken post education in tmd and understands how it can be causing your symptoms.
            There’s a group on facebook called Ménière’s tmj vertigo (something like that). Many are finding relief from treating their jaw and can help with recommending a good specialist.
            I’m in NYC, you’d think I’d have access to the best but sadly there’s not much standard of treatment or diagnosis with it so it’s a lot of trial and error.


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