Hi Pumpkin!

Earlier this month hubby and I went to the pumpkin patch.  I was having a really good day.  We had a great day together.  We played in the pumpkin patch, went through the petting zoo, and had kettle corn.  Last weekend I had another great day and carved the pumpkin I picked!   Yay Pumpkins!   (sometimes it doesn’t matter how much you pay for things later, it’s worth the fun you have in the moment)pumpking-patch-wendy


12 thoughts on “Hi Pumpkin!

    1. I’ve been having a lot of good days recently. A few bad days in there, but I’ll take what’s been given me. I do pay for days like the above ones. Carving the pumpkin took a lot out of me, but it was fun. Stuart did one too and so did our roommate. It was a good time.


  1. I’m so glad you felt well enough to go – and had enough energy to have a great time. Here’s to more of those days in the coming year.

    Love the jack-o-latern. Tink’s little Cheers bar down the street hosted a carving party earlier last week. He and I didn’t carve, but we had a great time watching as the creativity emerged as the crowd drank pumpkin beer, and seeing the carved pumpkins all over the bar still makes me smile.

    Happy Halloween, my friend.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It is sort of an all ages neighborhood hang – where everybody speaks to everybody else. Very welcoming change in my experience of Cincinnati otherwise.

        I’m not much of a drinker anymore, but Tink won’t let me pass Fries [“freeze”] without stopping in. Tink adores the attention from his fans, and dances like a dervish the minute we head that way on our nightly jaunts. (Mom often orders a seltzer with lime to limit her cocktail consumption, which is fine with the bartender).

        I wish you had a Fries in your neighborhood too. I’m not close with any of the regulars, but it’s a wonderful place to go for a taste of community that is otherwise missing in my life.


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